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Case study: Cardiff Metropolitan University
Case study: Edinburgh Napier University
Case study: Glasgow Caledonian University
Case study: Glyndwr University
Case study: Swansea Metropolitan University
Case study: University of Glamorgan
Case study: University of the Highlands and Islands
Case study: University of the West of Scotland
Case study: University of Wales Trinity St David
Case study: University of Wolverhampton
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Home page - WBL Maturity Toolkit
How it evolved
The benefits from using it
Video introduction to the toolkit
Who it is intended for
Why it is needed
Index to case studies (under construction)
A generic approach
Handy tips for engaging with the toolkit
Use in formative assessment of programme design
CIHE resources
Government resources
Higher Education Academy resources
JISC innovation and change programmes
JISC publications and information resources
QAA resources
Technology resources
University resources
Planned changes
Your feedback
Index to the criteria
Index to initiatives
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