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Index to the criteria

Page history last edited by Peter Chatterton 11 years, 9 months ago

The Criteria are the core of the WBL maturity toolkit:


1 Institutional readiness

1-0 Overview

1-1 WBL strategy and plans

1-2 Organisation, resourcing and support for WBL

1-3 Innovation management

1-4 WBL Customer Focus

1-5 External marketing and communications

1-6 Processes and procedures for staffing WBL programmes

1-7 Staff development, recognition and reward

1-8 WBL procedures and processes for programme validation

1-9 QA for WBL

1-10 Systems to support WBL

1-11 Systems and processes to support registration and enrolment

1-12 Business, commercial and financial approaches

1-13 Cross institutional communication and collaboration



2. Faculty/school/department readiness

2-0 Overview 

2-1 WBL strategy and implementation plan 

2-2 Partnership working 

2-3 Business and commerical approaches 

2-4 Training and support for external staff and employers 

2-5 Evaluation and review of programme and pedagogic research  


3. Programme design for WBL

3-0 Overview 

3-1 Alignment with employer and employee needs 

3-2 Qualifications, pathways and credit 

3-3 Development and planning for validation 

3-4 Alignment with professional standards 

3-5 APEL 

3-6 Curriculum design (structure) 

3-7 Curriculum design (implications)

3-8 IT Support 

3-9 Learning outcomes and progression 

3-10 Business case

3-11 Learning materials and resources 


4. Programme delivery and assessment for WBL

4-0 Overview 

4-1 Transition and induction 

4-2 Delivery 

4-3 Assessment and progressive achievement 

4-4 Student training and support  


5. Effective partnerships

5-0 Overview 

5-1 Long-term sustainable and strategic partnerships 

5-2 Strategic sector initiatives 

5-3 Business-oriented ways of working 

5-4 Understanding employer and employee needs and readiness 

5-5 Appropriate resourcing for forming partnerships 

5-6 Co-ordinated approach to marketing and communications


6. Quality of the learner experience

6-0 Overview

6-1 Pre-Entry

6-2 Programme Induction

6-3 Programme Design, Review and Quality Enhancement

6-4 Programme Delivery and Support

6-5 Assessment and Progressive Achievement

6-6 Transition and Progression


7. Effective usable accessible technologies

7-0 Overview

7-1 Systems to support employer engagement

7-2 Tools to allow evidence collection, learner reflection and related dialogue

7-3 Assessment and feedback tools

7-4 Tools to support communication and knowledge-sharing

7-5 Management and monitoring of work-based learner data

7-6 Finance systems

7-7 Exchange of data between systems

7-8 Access to information, support, training and guidance


8. Employer readiness





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