Why it is needed
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last edited
by Peter Chatterton 12 years, 2 months ago
There are a range of relevant Government strategies/policies for HE:
- Interactive partnerships with business for economic growth and recovery
- Increased emphasis on collaboration between education providers
- Supporting employer innovation and entrepreneurship
- Workforce development –Progression from vocational programmes into HE
- Widening participation
Increasing numbers of students are opting to learn in the work-place:
- WBL is therefore becoming more strategically important
Good practice is slowly emerging but not widespread in e.g.
- pedagogic models
- progression
- use of ICT
- sustainable partnerships
- understanding costing models and measurement of impact
- quality assurance
- how best for institutions to scale-up and prepare for work-based learning
Institutions can benefit from assessing their performance
- against what the sector perceives as “mature” - in order to inform policies/plans
Why it is needed
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