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A generic approach

Page history last edited by Peter Chatterton 12 years, 2 months ago

A generic approach to using the toolkit is described below in 5 main steps or stages. This is modelled on the approaches used in the national e-learning benchmarking programme run by the Higher Education Academy and JISC (2006-2008) and the various benchmarking toolkits such as Pick&Mix, ELTI, eMM and MIT90s.


However, we do not wish to be prescriptive about using it and we anticipate that new methods will evolve. Already, ELRAH has adopted the toolkit as a framework for formative assessment of the design of a new suite of programmes in Youth Work, developed by Edinburgh Napier University and Edinburgh's Telford College for Edinburgh City Council.


We also suggest that institutions maye like to work in CAMEL cohorts in order to share good practice and support each other. For further details of the CAMEL approach, see http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/camel  







  • Decide upon focus (e.g. whole institution or faculty or programme)
  • Identify and co-opt stakeholders
  • Identify initiatives to align with (e.g. development of a WBL strategy)
  • Agree the timescale and project plan, including defined roles (e.g. Project Manager) 







  • Meeting/workshop with all stakeholders to explain process and build commitment
  • Select relevant criteria from the toolkit and customise as appropriate







  • Identify evidence needed to decide on “level of maturity” for each criterion
  • Identify methods for gathering evidence
  • Collect evidence
  • Synthesise the evidence and produce a concise/usable report




(led by senior management)



  • Review evidence and report in “levelling” workshop with all stakeholders
  • Assess your current performance against criteria/level statements
  • Ensure that all stakeholders agree on:
    • Vision & “enablers” / “barriers” for reaching the vision
    • Recommendations for change





  • Convene workshop with group who are identified to take forward the changes
  • Develop action plan – and define measures of success
  • Identify institutional structures, systems & champions which can take forward the changes


This process should produce the following outputs for the users:

  • An assessment of their current performance in work-based learning.
  • A vision of where they would like to get to.
  • "Enablers" and "barriers"for reaching their vision.
  • Recommendations for future actions.
  • Plans for change management.


cde upon focus

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